What say you on the PMO’s official statement on the charge of a CPIB officer who headed the FRTS and Projects? WEAK!! And I can guarantee you even after almost a year’s investigation, a lot of questions have not been answered and probably will never be answered since no reporters dare to ask the right question!! Now, let me be the garang one and start the ball rolling…
1. Assistant Director Yeo supposedly misappropriated $1.7 million, but the authorities ONLY managed to recover $67,000. Yet, when bail was set at $500,000, he was able to come up with the money. Why is this so?
In the first place, I feel that the bail amount must ALWAYS be tied to the amount involved OR to the worth of this person. Do you think if Bill Gates was charged for the same crime, a $500k bail will mean anything to him? The amount of salary drawn by this officer should have been REVEALED in the public statement!! Maybe he is drawing $1.5 million a year? So, $500k bail is peanuts to him. Even if you don’t want to reveal his salary, for fearing it will spark nation-wide condemnation, the bail should have easily been $1 or $1.5 million!!
2. We know that at the point of time when he was charged, he was the head of department for FRTS and Projects. What was he doing before this posting? Was he an investigation officer for any case? A person like him could have easily offered his services to those who are being investigated!
Even if he was never an investigation officer, by being in CPIB he could have been privy to lots of cases. We know that one of the routes for CPIB to start investigation is for the public to file a report with them. If this HOD has seen any of these reports that official investigation HAS NOT yet started, he could have warned the perpetrators beforehand for a handsome reward!!!
3. I was in utter shock after people tell me that these alleged crimes took place in a span of FOUR years!! In the first place, I would NEVER expect such a crime happening in CPIB. Even if someone had the audacity to cheat the bureau, I will expect their crime to be exposed in more than a year! To go undetected for FOUR long years, my question is WHO THE HELL WAS SLEEPING in CPIB?!?!
The thing we are most unhappy about the damned PAP government is the lack of accountability. We see so often on TV that Japanese politicians stepping down or even committing suicide when they made mistakes. Here, they just laugh it off and move on. Vivian Balakrishnan over-spent the YOG budget by more than $300 million, yet today he still stands proudly as a minister!! Where is the accountability?? And the same thing is happening here, no one has been sacked or volunteered to resign despite this great lapse!! Remember, CPIB reports directly to the PM’s Office. If you cannot even straighten your household properly, how can we expect you to do other jobs well?
There are still 1001 questions that I can ask on this whole episode, but I will leave it to other patriotic Singaporeans like myself to question the rest. What I can say is, the crap notion that high pay can deter corruption and/or other crimes is the biggest lie ever!! In the end, we are paying the king’s ransom to men of questionable integrity, who will easily succumb to greed due to the fact that they are in power for too long a time.
Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely!! No men or God can ever change this. It is time to stop PAP in its track and make sure we inject new minds into the parliament and cabinet even!!
MC Hammer