When are we going to start the real protest? When are we going to make an effective change?
When are we going to start doing real economic damage to the ones who have taken away our dreams, our livelihood & our savings?
When are we going to stop being confined to a 2 acre field right next to the bloody business district in order to voice our opinions & disagreements? When are we gonna stop giving them a chance to photograph us, document us & later round us up under some ISA law or the like?
You may laugh at my ideas & suggestions, saying i'm being too idealistic or impractical, but give my next statement a real thorough thought. "do you think if all those protests at honglim were of any use, our dear govt would have let us carry it through? Don't you think if they wanted to, they could simply deny a permit or do some other legislative or administrative barrier to the event?" do you think they would not have rounded up the 'ringleaders'& destroyed their lives just like so many others so have been forced to flee & escape their lawsuits, threats & bullying actions? Fun & games are over boys & girls. Time for the real action now.
Feeder bus - when are enough of us going to walk out of the MRT station & make (no matter how small) a dent in their takings?
Rental shops - when are we going to make a conscious decision to not patronize the shops inside the MRTs& at the same time tell them to focus on maintaining those damned trains & tracks instead of just collecting rentals?
Delifrance - when are we gonna avoid places that belong under Saw PhaikHwa's care, stop giving her businesses our hard earned money & get her kicked out of her job, to tell her what we think of the way she handled our (yes, our) trains?
Why do you need to top up your account or your parents? Think carefully where the money actually goes to. Are you absolutely sure you are unable to pay for your needs without depending on CPF? or in the first place, whether you are getting a fair amount back?
House loans, can't we just live within our means?
Remember, you may think that buying all those condominiums & taking up all those loans may help to drive the economy but all you are doing eventually is to feed THEIR greed, THEIR profits, & line THEIR pockets (& their children's) while you slog & work yourselves to the bone to pay monthly debts.
Union? A discount union?
Income - you've heard of how hardnosed they can be. Are they worth supporting?
Fairprice - do we really have no other choice? Do we need to buy everything from there? Are we able to spread out our purchases & get the best deals from everywhere? Excuse me? What did you say? By doing that we'll be depriving Singapore of jobs? Jobs mostly taken over by foreigners anyway who whorishly accept low pay & horrid working hours & conditions but register no NS reservist time?
Hired by short sighted managers who only see costs of now time & their own bottom line? What was that again? *insert smirk*
Scrutinize town council contracts & works done & question the work being done if your suspicions are aroused!
Find out & publicize businesses owned or managed by people like Mah Bow Tan & other ex PAP fellas who made our lives what they are now & for the piece de resistance, keep track on the children & grandchildren of the current ministers, then publish where they are working/ studying / businesses or corporations they are in & bring them down. Humiliate as much as possible by publishing all their mistakes & wrong doings, so that everyone will know.
We have to be united in doing this together.
The last thing we should do, is to leave them out in the cold, online. Turn our tracks cold online by disappearing from all of their online discourse. leave them to their mainstream papers to trumpet their own praise, in fact praise them to the hills to throw them even more, make the truly
Clueless ones think they're kings & deprive the cunning ones of intel. That way, when 2016 comes, they'll never know what hit them.
I'm sorry, what was that again? impossible to execute? too impracatical for the economy? not a win-win solution? and you think things will get better just by 'dialogue', 'consensus', whatever else that rubbish is? *insert eye-rolling*
Kevin James