Dear Foreigners living in Singapore,
Firstly, let me say welcome to Singapore.
Well much has been said lately in the media about Foreign Billionaires living it up in Singapore. Now whether you are in Singapore to butter your own bread further, escape from taxes in your home country or to take advantage of our ridiculous immigration system, that is not my concern. But the security that you so enjoy in Singapore IS my concern. I’m sure by now you are all already impressed by what Singapore has to offer to Foreigners like yourself. Safe streets, low crime and a safe environment to bring up a family (and maybe perhaps also the opportunity to show-off your wealth and lavish lifestyle unabashedly without being targeted).
But let me make it clear. This security that you enjoy is not free and does not come easily. Unlike your country of origin, Singapore does not have a highly paid professional army. It is largely made up of part-time conscripts of ordinary Singaporean men like myself. Hundreds of thousands of ordinary Singaporean men like myself shed blood, sweat and tears and some even have lost their lives just to provide this security. We serve 2 years compulsory full-time National Service at a salary that is worse than what a cleaner gets in Singapore. Then during our Reservist tenure of 10 to 20 years, in addition to the long hours we work in our daily jobs just to make a decent living, we still have to endure all kinds of burdens like annual training camps, compulsory annual physical fitness tests and the dreaded after-work remedial training sessions. We have enough on our plate already.
So I’m not sure what the Singapore Government has told you, because in times of trouble and strife, will Singaporean NSmen like myself lay my life on the line to protect Foreigners, like you and your family living here in Singapore? I’m afraid that’s a BIG NO! Why should we? Sorry but you and your family are on your own! I will only fight to protect my fellow Singaporeans. No more no less.
So before the bombs start dropping on your houses or when the riots engulf your street, I would suggest you either hire a private army (I’m sure you can afford one) or have some plane tickets on standby for your family to escape. Or you and your family might want to try hiding under your kitchen sink. Nobody is going to help you. Definitely not me!
Yours Sincerely,
Singapore NSman
TRS Contributor