Dear The Real Singapore,
Do you know who is to blame for all these shit? Crazy cost of living, fuckup public transport, over crowding, influx of FT with their bad culture like shitting and scamming, treating us like money milking slaves with CPF, sky high taxes, blood sucking erps, levy n never ending fines.... YOU!
Bardly citizens of singapore! You 60percent who voted for them, You allowed the goverment to treat u like shit, you allowed dictatorship, you allowed people to impose punishment on as you exercise your freedom of speech, you allowed yourself to be disrespected and spitted on by FT over here in your own backyard, you hide in fear and dare not fight back as they use their powers to oppress you. Well, you forgot, you are the ones who gave them the power.... so blame yourselves.
I say, NO to tyranny, NO to bullshit, NO to favorism to foreigners as they draw money from us Tax payers, NO to oppression and NO to ignorance and stupidity. If we dont respect ourselves, who will. We deserved better. We should learn and follow the courage of the native hongkong, taiwan and thai people.
They stand up when needed.
Shane Ang
TRS reader