Recently, one of my friend said that he saw NSP's Spencer Ng and Jeanette Chong distributing flyers/ newsletters in Ang Mo Kio which is PM Lee's territory.
Many netizens have been blasting PM Lee and PM Lee has been called many horrible names online such as "Pinky", famiLEE, Clown Prince etc.
PM Lee has also had his personal life history dragged out in the mud such as the slapping incident in MAS when he was just a novice politician.
Recently, many netizens have blasted him for siding with foreigners over the Philippines issue and telling the world that Singapore is a place for all nationalities to come and celebrate.
Which always make me ask this question: How come PM Lee still continues to enjoy popular support in Ang Mo Kio residents?
To be fair, PM Lee still makes his usual MPS and frequent appearances such as Countdown festivals, Chinese New Year celebrations and other minor festive events in Ang Mo Kio. His face is plastered on banners, lift lobbies so familiarty breeds comfort and so residents will still vote him in despite many online netizens hating him.
In GE2006, an inexperienced WP team challenged PM Lee in Ang Mo Kio GRC and they only garnered less than 40% of the votes. The WP team, comprising of Glenda Han and Yaw Shin Long went on to target East Coast GRC and Hougang in GE2011 and left PM Lee to another inexperienced Reform Party.
Even SDP's Chee Soon Juan has re-focused his campaign on Holland Bukit Timah and Bukit Merah and has refused to target Ang Mo Kio GRC.
I guess WP's and SDP's strategy makes sense. They just want to gain enough seats in Parliament to ensure that there is an effective voting block against PAP so that PM Lee cannot masak-mask do what he pleases.
But then again, I find this logic quite stupid. I once played a game called Gemfire and the mission is to cut off the snake's head. Cutting off the tail or any part of the snake's body won't help much but if I successfully cut off the head, the snake will have no direction and every PAP politician will break apart.
If NSP wants to challenge Ang Mo Kio, it will need to do more than just distribute flyers in Ang Mo Kio Hub. They need to do more house visits and start knocking on their doors and spend more time. Merely just distributing flyers and spending less than one minute on each resident isn't going to help much.
But then again, if PM Lee senses that something is not quite right in his GRC, he can always run off to hide in Jurong GRC or West Coast GRC which has a reputation of new citizens who will blindly vote for PAP.
TRS Contributor