Dear The Real Singapore,
I refer to this article "STOP HUMANIZING THE BANGLAS/ INDIAN FTS!" written by SG Bangla whose real name is Vicknesh.
After some searching on LinkedIn and Facebook. I found out that he is actually a MOE scholar awarded by taxpayers money to study in the UK Imperial College of London (refer to above pic). Why is a MOE scholar who will most likely become a high-ranking MOE officer wrote such a racist article? Thanks to TRS promoting Freedom of speech, we get to expose this racist asshole who could potentially become a future PAP MP or a high ranking person in the MOE.
Yes no doubt, he is very smart academically, but based on the article he wrote do you think he should be a scholar? What the hell is MOE thinking?
Another thing that got me very angry is the condemning of TRS by other alternative media such as The Independent and TheOnlineCitizen. I honestly doubt the agenda of these websites. The Independent was created only recently and was helmed by the the former CEO or chairman of TodayOnline newspaper. Do you really think a former PAP-controlled mainstream media CEO will really suddenly go against the government and provide a "Balanced" media for the public?
TheOnlineCitizen on the other hand was quite good back in 2007-2010 but they are becoming more pro PAP and pro white ever since they got gazzetted as a political organisation. I submitted a complaint in the past to TOC, but it never got published and I didn't even get a reply back from them. I guess my complaint is not important or "Publishable" enough for them. What is the difference between them and the mainstream media like Straits Times then? I also realise that they are very "Politically correct" in all their news reporting and I suggest us true blue Singaporeans to just stick with Temasek Review and The Real Singapore.
Anyway, where is the unity among the alternative media and opposition? I suspect the people inside TheOnlineCitizen is already bought out by the white people already.
PAP MP Seah Kian Peng also chooses to push the blame of the racist article to TRS and not the author itself.
Below is the FB status made by PAP MP Seah Kian Peng:
A resident wrote to me 2 days ago exprssing her grave concern about a particular xenophobic article found online that promotes racism. This article has said that Indian and Bangladeshi FTs do not deserve to be humanised (?!). Some others have also writtent o me on this. Anyway, the said article was reproduced on and shared 2,600 times! She ended her email with this comment "Although she is all for online freedom, she said she is against any kind of racist sentiments because "this will destroy our society." I totally agree with her; with online freedom, it does not give one a licence to act irresponsibly and we should certainly not make the situation worse and spread what are obviously malicious and racial sentiments. She told me she had written to 'The real Singapore' and the 'editor' says he will consider my request to take the article down if more people write in to lodge their discontent. My question is whether it is right that the editor adopts such a stand. This is atrocious and she knows my stand on this. Some websites seems to just want to spread illwill and lin some cases, outright ies amongst all.
Editor's Note: As ill-written and racist as this article may be, in a free society it still has a right to be here on an opinion forum such as this, and others have a right to respond as they wish. Otherwise, one could be arrested for writing a pro gay piece, a religious article with a different viewpoint, anything that goes against the norm - arrested under the pretext of inciting hatred as happens in Malaysia and other countries. Freedom of speech can't belong to one and not the other. And in a way, this article has done a lot of good by showing the racism that exists, and the wonderful manner in which "average" Singaporeans have come together against it. Cheers to that! :)
Please help preserve the only few platforms that promotes the real Freedom of Speech in Singapore. And do not get confused by all these PAP MPs and "Alternative" sites. Singaporeans have the right to read whatever they want. If the article is bad and you do not agree with it, please condemn it. Do not ask for it to be removed. Do not also blame the platform that is actually facilitiating the process of transparency and freedom of speech.
Anyway, I do hope some action will be taken against this MOE scholar because I do not want my children in the future to be under such a racist person.
Han Solo
TRS Contributor
Editor's Note: Please keep it to a healthy discussion. Even though we do not agree with all the points mentioned, but the author did raises some very interesting points.