I was heartened to see that - at the 34th General Assembly ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly- there was a special meeting of women Parliamentarians. Clearly, this marks a huge step forward in gender equality and sends the message that women are now as capable as men. What disturbed me was how stupid Tin Pei Ling looked in one of the photos, and I can only imagine the stupid things she must have said there.
Remember how she begged her constituents to “give [her] a chance” when she ran for the 2011 General Elections? Two-and-a-half years later, we can only see that this woman has betrayed what little trust that anyone who could reasonably have of her. During the population white paper debate, she conceded to voting for the motion “with a heavy heart”. I have no idea what bullshit goes on in her mind, but this is evidence that she is clearly more aligned to her party than the voices of her constituents.
She may have no doubt been getting a good salary at a Big 4 accounting firm, but the $15,000 she gets from taxpayers each month is certainly more than what her previous employment shows her to be worth. And what has she done? Her parliamentary speeches are worse than some secondary school debaters I have seen, while her Facebook page shows her to be nothing more than an attention-seeking woman of little substance.
We are not talking about average person, but a politician who has a seat in parliament. Taken under this context, this adds up to be nothing more someone who would get an “F” for her performance, not too far away from her high level of disregard from the general populace; The amount of hate she generated in the 2011 General Elections was unprecedented for a politician from the ruling party.
Even with a Facebook page calling for her removal generating more than 50,000 “likes”, the damned PAP government negated our voices and chose to let her run under a GRC and gave her a seat in Parliament which she would otherwise not have. Now that we have a better picture of her performance, it becomes exceedingly clear that her incompetence adds to our disregard for PM’s “sorry”.
Come 2016, her party will pay the price for her incompetence in terms of votes.
Joseph Kheng-Liang Tan
*Article first appeared on https://www.facebook.com/tan.kheng.liang/posts/164918627034863?notif_t=like