In his dialogue with Law Faculty students this was what Shanmugam said of defamation law.
‘Defamation laws, he said, are not there to stop people from criticising the Government, but exist to protect personal reputations.
"If you make a personal allegation of fact, if you say I took money, I am corrupt, I will then sue you and ask you to prove it. But if you say I am a stupid fool who doesn't know what I'm talking about, and the Government comprises ministers who don't know what they're talking about and you criticise every policy of the Government, no one can sue you," he said.
By all means challenge my competence, by all means challenge my policies, by all means put forward alternate policies. By all means argue it, no problem. That’s not defamation.’ ST 3 Sep 13
This is about the clearest definition on the govt’s stand on defamation laws here. This is also the opening up of a govt that used to be suffering from a hang up that no one should criticize the govt, no big no small, no respect for authority.
I fully agree with Shanmugam’s position on defamation and personal attacks on ministers or anyone. It is fair criticism on govt policies. I would not go so far as to call a minister a stupid fool. A little decorum will go a long way.
And as citizens, it is of utmost importance that they should be interested in the affairs of the state and should air their views on policies or decisions that they are not happy or disagree with. We need participatory citizenry for the good of the country. We can’t have a nations of droids, with no views or do not care a hoot what is going on in the country and to the people. The outcry against the influx of immigrants is a good sign that the citizens are taking ownership of their country and would not be push overs.
This explanation by Shanmugam is a welcome move, to clarify an invisible and moving OB lines. The people and those responsible for enforcing defamation laws would now be in a better position to know what is fair comment or what is defamatory, and to stay away from the law. The eyes will still be watching and defamation or no defamation critics should be careful for you do not know what could hit you next.
There is no need to get too personal for all parties when having a discourse on the affairs of the state. Isn’t this what the Govt has been clamouring for, wanting the people to stand for, to come forward to take a more active role in the affairs of the country?
Chua Chin Leng AKA Redbean
*The writer blogs at