I refer to "7 out of 10 NTU graduates employed before graduation: It's Possible" Click on http://www.therealsingapore.com/content/7-out-10-ntu-graduates-employed-graduation-it-possible
I don’t think that PED may have an accurate picture.
Yes. It is true that currently, Economics, Business and Sociology are very sought after in govt sector as they can go into customer service and HR or corporate communications.
They either go URA, LTA, HDB, PA, CPF etc. In fact, you should pop into HDB, PA, CPF or URA and LTA. Many of their front line customer officers are females. Maybe HR prefer to hire females as they can brighten up a customer smile better than a male.
In addition, if you are a female, I do believe there is a general trend to hire females in public sector.
In fact, Singapore women are now doing much better than men career wise.
MSF (Formerly MCYS) Statistics show that 62% of Women are in Division 1 in Civil Service http://app1.mcys.gov.sg/ResearchRoom/ResearchStatistics/SeniorOfficersinCivilServicebyGender.aspx
Most of the job interviews that I attended are now staffed by female directors. One of my colleague in HR said that somehow, they do prefer females because they are more 'obedient and outperform guys in communication skills which is very important in public service'.
Other positions such as teachers, HR Managers and accounts are also professions which are dominated by females because they are traditionally thought to be neater and more meticulous than men.
The annual GCE O Level PSLE results also confirmed that females are out-performing the male counterparts.
However, men do have it much harder as they are easily retrenched in engineering and IT services. When I attended many e2i job fairs, I see many men being retrenched or laid off. Some were from MNCs specialising in wafer fabrication, computer IT and semiconductor manufacturing. Surely, there must be some truth to that.
If you are from science, it will be harder too as employers will prefer you to be in science field but the number of research science jobs in Singapore is very limited.
TRS Contributor