I would like very much re-visit the whole concept of “grass-root” leader and I have so many questions that need answers. This structure has been around for decades and I am sure it has evolved over the years.
1. What is the grand idea behind having a grass-root structure/organization ?
2. What is their primary function/duties ?
3. Who do they serve ? I know that the adviser is the MP.
4. What is the role of the adviser ?
5. Is there a budget to support the running of this structure ?
6. Are the members being paid a salary/allowance/etc. ? If not, what about “other” benefits if any ?
7. How much “say” have the members on the well being/improvement of their respective area ?
8. Do they involve themselves in political activities ?
9. Now that the Worker Party is in control of Aljunied, Hougang and Punggol, do the Worker Party required to keep the existing grass-root structure running? If not, what happen to these grass-root structures that were previously under a PAP MP ?
10. Do the Worker Party believes in the concept of grass-root organization and do the Worker Party have or intent put up their own grass-root organization ?
11. Did these grass-root organization serve its purposes/objectives ? Are they still relevant today ?
Someone please enlighten me/us on the above or may the PM considered as these organization COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF.
Lim Swee Say said grassroots leaders are the “voice of the silent majority”, helping to strengthen ties between the ground and the government. I would like to put it another way, grassroots leaders are the “silent operatives” of the PAP not the government. They become the “eyes and ears of the PAP”. But since this is a PAP government, so we can put it in definitive the “SILENT OPERATIVES OF THE PAP GOVERNMENT”.