Ok, first of all I have been a resident residing in Serangoon North Ave 1 for 27 years of my life. Another 5 years was from Kallang Bahru during my toddler period. First of all I am not here to support either party or to condemn anyone. I am posting here as a first hand witness since I've been living in this GRC for decades.
I shall share with all here what was it like to be living here before 2011. Talking about basic facilities, Pappies built shelters for us in my area to shelter us from rain. Whenever lift break down fully, they sent techies to repair it at the very moment. Bus stops was always full during peak hour, pretty well maintained though.
Saw once Ms MP did her walk when it was nearing 2011 GE, that's the only time I saw her face to face but I didnt know her name at all and it took me a while before I knew who she was because of all the white escorts.
Now, after 2011 GE. WPers took over our constituency, things changed a bit. Well, by a quite a bit. Shelters were extended by metres to shelter for almost all residents.
Lift didn't have to break down before techies are sent. Minor problem like lift doors taking 3 times before it closes fully and starts moving is attended to.
Bus stops were tore down and rebuilt even they looked brand new! The huge new bus stops serve really well, it could accommodate so many more commuters during rainy or sunny day now. Great move!
From 2011 GE till now, I witnessed WPers at least on a count of 8-9 times walking around, not as a single MP with escorts but with 3-4 MPs with escorts. And they just did their rounds just 10 days back. Talking to hawkers and diners mainly. I recognized LTK, Sao Mao and Sylvia faces at least for now after seeing them face to face for few times already.
Things are never attended to last moment, never waited for a major breakdown before repairing it. Saved quite a good costs in maintaining rather than repairing it.
Voices and noises are heard now. Though I didnt raise any.
Anticipation and pro activeness are seen.
Well, at least for now I know how my MPs look like. No guessing anymore.
So its untrue that no upgrading will be done if a SMC or GRC is not under Pappies care, Wpers are actually doing a better job in this area.
So I guess if this goes on, I shall continue to vote for the same party I voted as of 2011. Good Luck!
Junior TRS editor