The first generation leaders in Singapore brought Singapore from the Third World to First World in the first 20 years of Singapore's history after independence from the British, and allowed Singaporeans to move up the social ladder.
From having to sell food on the streets, many of our parents were able to send us to school and allowed us to be educated and find better jobs.
However, the current PAP politicians have instead reversed this. Now, more and more Singaporeans are sinking into poverty and are trapped in immobile lower social classes simply because they are not able to earn enough and are unable to uplift themselves out of poverty.
There are now more Singaporeans who have to sell food Illegally on the streets simply because they need to find ways to survive and our students are segregated into classes and opportunities have become limited.
The PAP today claims that it wants Singaporeans to be self-reliant but it does not want to increase the wages of Singaporeans and forces more than 30% of Singaporeans to rely on handouts. If so, isn't the PAP the one creating the disempowering and crippling mindset among Singaporeans?
What is the point of development when only the top 5% to 10% becomes better off while the rest of Singaporeans languish?
Isn't the whole point of economic development to allow society to develop the infrastructure, create opportunities, so that the people will earn more, do better and develop both economically and also socially?
It is not right for the PAP to put themselves in government, create policies to enrich themselves and allow themselves to get ahead, then blame Singaporeans for not working hard enough and being ungrateful. Where the PAP's policies have always been to put themselves first while the majority of Singaporeans are relegated to second class, how is this fair to Singaporeans and Singapore?
What future will Singapore have if the people in the country are not allowed to help create it together?
Singapore had a chance for the whole country to move up together but the PAP robbed this chance from Singaporeans. It changed things around so that they can let a few of them at the top to enrich themselves, by taking the wealth from the rest, yet all the time telling the people that there is not enough money to go around.
If the PAP didn't keep taking from Singaporeans, our people will grow, our economy will grow and our country will grow.
But when will Singaporeans awaken to the reality of how the PAP can no longer be seen as the government but only a few people who have distorted the system for themselves? But how many Singaporeans are ready to admit to this truth and decide to take things into their own hands, to fight for themselves? It is too convenient to use fear as an excuse not to fight but where our lives in this country in the longer term will only become worse, isn't this a greater fear for people to want to do something about it now?
Roy Ngerng