There is something wrong with the Singapore social and economic structure systems.
Even for Singaporeans who earn five figure sum per month many of them are still working full time still mired in debts/mortgage/loans even when they reach middle age.
Not to mention being constantly worrying about the value of their assets which they have invested heavily in are under the threat of devaluation and depreciation.
These high earners are also under serious job threats from the foreigners and younger generations too.
Being axed is actually a terrifyingly real possibility to this group of middle age high earners.
In other nicer countries people who are at their professional level and age would have already enter semi-retired-fully retired mode by then with their assets fully finish paid up and enjoying life already.
No wonder the best and smartest Singaporeans have long since migrated out of Singapore already and this country is facing a serious brain drain loss.
PAP greed and their inclinations to look after their own self interests have really brought irrevocable ruins to the country and the people.
Keith Lee
*Article first appeared on