[This is a satire article from New Nation]
A bunch of local blogs decided to pull the plug for 24 hours throughout June 6 in a symbolic gesture to show what it is like to not have access to information.
And demonstrate the perils of censorship when the government goes on a rampage making up rules as they go along.
However, this protest gesture against the Media Development Authority’s new licensing rule that demands news sites to cough out a $50,000 ransom has led to unforeseen consequences.
Instead of keeling over and dying, Singaporeans who do not have access to information online are discovering benefits.
Many have reportedly turned off their computers and are spending more time getting physically fit and becoming more fulfilled.
One Singaporean man, Mei Yun Dong, said: “I’ve never exercised in the last 15 years. But today I ran 14 km, swam 9 km and did 1,500 crunches. I feel great.”
Other Singaporeans who went offline are reportedly spending more time with their loved ones.
One Singaporean father of three, Jin Kao Peh, said: “Every day I’d go to Temasek Review Emeritus to comment and suffer heart palpitations. Today, I spent my time playing with my children, cooking for the family, brought them to Sentosa, painted, danced, sang, laughed, hugged and pampered my kids and wife.”
“I feel like a father.”
Health benefits aside, some other Singaporeans claim that no Internet might probably be too much of a good thing.
One couple, who are too embarrassed to be named, said: “We made love so many times last night, our private parts develped second degree burns from the friction.”
*Article first appeared on http://newnation.sg/2013/06/blogs-black-out-for-24-hours-sporeans-become...