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Enemies of the State


This is a tag that no one should be made to wear for all the wrong and frivolous reasons. The seriousness of this tag is that the person could see himself behind bars for life. This is no joking matter and people should not feel so free to hang this tag on anyone. How many people have been made to wear this tag and suffered the ignominy of being an outcast, of being a danger to the country, to live in disgrace and shame? 

I let go a few outbursts at the sneaky IBs earlier. I also let go at Matilah Singapura for pinning a tag of xenophobia on me. The IBs were trying to discredit me as a person and would gradually try to hang me as anti establishment if they are not stopped in their acts. Matilah’s apparently nonsensical branding, readers don’t take him seriously and should not be an issue to the casual readers. But if given time, just like the centuries of propaganda against communism and China by the West, it will stick in the subconscious of people. And redbean would be associated with anti foreigners or anti establishment. I would not take this lightly. 

I was told by some readers that if they used the mobile phone to access my blog they would be greeted by a warning message that they are entering an anti establishment blog. I wonder which creep gave this order, or which creep was ordered to attach this tag on my blog. I was told that this has stopped recently. Nonetheless I am very angry with this kind of irresponsible act. I will tell the creep who authorized it, the sneaky IBs, uncle redbean has spent the prime of his youth guarding national interests and state secrets. I have devoted more years of my life protecting this country and the asses of the creep and all the IBs combined. Do not simply put an anti establishment tag on me you assholes. Those in the establishment would know what I am talking about.

The western political philosophies have emancipated human beans from the yoke of oppression for centuries. To the Afro Asians, this yoke was removed more recently, when they got their independence from their colonial masters. Modern human beans of the 20th and 21st centuries must break free from oppression by the state and individuals who abused the power of the state. 

Modern human beans must not accept the badge of authority at face value, the offices of authority blindly. Who are the enemies of the state? Who are the enemies of the people? There are rogue officers in uniform, rogue monks and priests, and of course rogue govts. And under the cloak or title of authority, these people could do more harm than good to country and people if they are left unchecked to do as they pleased. The goodness of govt, people in high offices, in positions of power must be judged by what they do in the interests of the country and people. 

Wrap Text field: 

Are the opposition political parties and politicians enemies of the state and people? Are the critics of govt enemies of the state and people? Do not blindly assume that they are. Free yourself from the yoke of oppression of power and authority and think like a free man. Singapore is a democracy, not a kingdom or dictatorship. Singapore belongs to every citizen. And people elected to position of power are temporary in nature. If they served the people and country well, they will be reelected to govern. If they are against the people, against the interests of the people, they will be removed from power. This is democracy. This is your country. 

Do not simply assume that people in positions of power or high offices are for the people and country, be they political leaders, civil servants or uniformed officers. Ask yourself a couple of questions, especially those in positions of authority, that you have never asked before, afraid to ask or do not think it is necessary to ask. 

1. Can people in authority be acting against the country and the state? 
2. Can people in authority be acting against the interests of the people? 

Today I set you thinking the unthinkable. As citizens of a democracy, you must be constantly be thinking about these questions for your own good and the good of your children and the good of the country. Do not take this for granted. If you do not want to think, you may lose everything when rogues take office and sell out the country, sell your interests and the interests of your children. 
Start thinking. Do not voluntarily replace the yoke of oppression on your own shoulders. Keep asking, keep questioning.

Who are the enemies of the state? Who are the enemies of the people?


Chua Chin Leng AKA RedBean

*The writer blogs at http://mysingaporenews.blogspot.com/


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