Below are the conversation between two bloggers on why they should or should not pay S&CC fees.
I am an Aljunied resident living with my parents. Lately, due to some disagreements I had with the TC, I have been asking my parents not to pay the S&C fees. My reasoning is simple. Why should we pay to an administration body that we did NOT vote for??? Let those people who voted for them pay for them.
I can only imagine the sheer number of people who feels the same way. I hope these people continue to withhold payment and hopefully we can shame the Workers Party out of parliament.
Why can’t Aljunied have a “normal” and competent town council like other constituencies?? - Lim 11 November 2014 at 8am
Hey, @Lim, I just love the pure logic of yr reasoning. I think it’s worth its weight in implementation on a nation-wide basis. Why don’t you bring this up to PM Lee himself to propose such a bill in his PAP-dominated parliament? Truly, someone yr calibre, so thinking-out-of-the-box type, is wasted just writing comments here. Don’t waste it, dude. Serve the country as a PAP candidate. Let me know when you do. I’ll be following yr speeches and writings most closely. Thx. - 2econdsight 11 November 2014 at 2pm
I also agree with 2econdsight. The comments by Lim are worth its weight in gold. Everyone should think about it seriously and decide whether to pay your S&CC fees. Sinkies are getting smarter by the days. If more Sinkies are as smart as this Lim, there will be a better tomorrow for every Sinkie.
Just a word of caution, before you stop paying your S&CC fees, make sure you got a mountain behind you. People who so ‘kar si’ and refused to pay S&CC fees must surely got a mountain behind them, or they would not be so garang and ‘kong cum’ to think this is their grandfather’s country.
This is looking like the Americans telling the Pinoys to fight with China with them carrying the big stick in the shadow. What kind of world is this turning to be? Gangsterism or mafiadom?
Our kiasi, kiasu and kia chenghu daft now acting like the mouse sitting on top of the lion's head.
Chua Chin Leng AKA RedBean
*The writer blogs at