Unbeknownst, the recent Facebook post by The Real Singapore "One Country, Two System" bears semblance.
This is my take from a 'Pioneer Generation' perspective.
If 5 or more persons acting ilegally constitutes an unlawful assembly. How about the assembly of foreigners sitting all over our island making a damn right nuisance of themselves, they litter without any regard to our laws and are definitely congregating illegally without a police permit. Moreover, they speak so loudly, misbehave after consuming alcohol, urinate and sometimes defecate in our public space.
They often times belittle and laugh at out elderly Singaporeans who are amonst them picking up their empty alumnium drink cans. This act of shameful elderly survival for sustenance is caused by a PAP government who really need to have their Pioneer Generation Package rammed up their rear.
As a member of the Pioneer Generation, having obeyed all laws as stipulated in our constitution, my simple question is, why are there so many double standards between the laws being used on foreigners and Singaporeans?
What have Singaporeans done to this government to deserve all the derogatory veiled references made by Lee Hsien Loong against his own people? By calling voters bigots depicts a person lacking in emotive intelligence (EQ).
To cut the chase and to make it simple, you're a bloody stupiak of the highest order and I'm only returning you the 'flavour' of your mee siam mai hum you silly nincompoop!
'Pioneer Generation' Singaporean