I would like to input from a perspective unknown to most sinkies.
Due to personal circumstances, I stayed outside of home for a while. A few foreign workers told me things which I would like to share here.
One woman from PRC told me that she regretted coming to Singapore because Singapore is not what she thought she saw on TV, which was a nice image of our island some more than 5 years ago.
Hear this, she said she went to many parts of Singapore and found that she could not see any Singaporeans, only Indian nationals, many more from Myanmar, Viets, Indons, Negos, Pinoys, Cambodians and from all over the world.
The nice image of Singaporeans is non-existent here while she has been here. And she remarked that tourists see only the nice parts of Singapore like the IRs which do not represent the day-to-day lives of people living here.
She said the island is like a mess with a mixing pot of TOO MANY nationalities and none represents Singaporeans!
And her other folks here said also that all the areas in Singapore are occupied by foreign workers with all their laundry drying in common areas and Singapore is full of litter everywhere she goes.
All these observations came from people here to work. Not direct from the Singaporeans mouth, but it comes close because the observation cannot be so uncannily the same unless this is the BARE TRUTH!!!!!!! Which Sinkies are protesting about on the proposed WHITE PAPER on POPULATION GROWTH which is going to be a TOTAL DISASTER!!!!!!!!!!!
* Comment first appeared in: Major online websites in Singapore to protest against licensing requirement