CPF must be an election issue. If a party ignores it, it is a no future political party.
If CPF is an important issue, the Mass Immigration which is the cause of CPF problem cannot be ignored. If a party ignore Mass Immigration and just talk about CPF, the party will end up talking contents similar to the NDR: NO REAL SOLUTION ON ROOT CAUSE.
Drawing 20%, selling home of elders, cannot raise the figures in CPF. The problem is to RAISE the CPF figures so that at retirement, the total combined CPF is far > than the minimum sum MS.
Ie CPF total > than MS. This MUST achieve. Without it, there is NO RETIREMENT.
If sg based on the old cost base HDB selling prices, many retirees shd have enough to retire at 55 supported by the past growth. However, since 15 yrs ago, many of the retirees now lost their jobs to Mass Immigration policy. The raise in HDB flat prices to market price base, push up land tender prices for private condos. Mass Immigration in turn push up resale prices of HDB and condos. Prices of things quickly escalated and the MS raised accordingly. S$80k to 161k next yr. Many retirees cannot have even 155k ms, only half have it.
So the solution is to earn more salaries to pay for CPF to push through the MS.
1.Dont talk about the easy way to sell flat and live with kids, if they have a place bigh enough. If no place to go, rent out. Yes it is the best options now if the retiree cannot work.
2.Retiree now, many of them can walk can talk, but have no jobs. There shd be employment for their abilities. The talk was on “performance” base assessment and not “degree or papers based”. But the talk did not address officially the biggest group of people who need money to push through the MS: the jobless citizens at 40s and above.
So the problem needs a GE breakthrough in 2015GE to address this CPF problem.
In 2015GE, voters shd vote for a party that:
1.Stop Mass Immigration of 6.9 millions just for the sake of getting the head counts and ignore the problems that caused billions of dollars to fix. (Buses $1billion is just 1 point).
2.Set priority for citizens to get jobs by raising the LEVIES of employment and s passes to 17%. This will help those citizens who need job to have equal opportunities when employer table to hire foreigners.
3. Abolish retirement age for citizens. Set retirement for PR to 10yrs if they dont have sons or dont sent their sons to NS, and send them home. Employment passes and s passes to 2-4yrs. Get these people out or change them.
Vote wisely for a party that can raise CPF through letting able hands to work to raise CPF. This is the only useful solution. The papies is not doing it. The opposition must do it.
Last Laugh
*Article first appeared on http://forums.asiaone.com/showthread.php?t=72151#1