Whenever I see so many foreigners in Singapore, I cant bring myself to serve NS. The 2 years I have wasted in the army brings me much hatred against the PAP.
When I started work drawing a minion pay of $1700 5 years ago, I could barely feed myself. Even now that I am drawing twice compared to then, life is still a struggle in Singapore. That house and wedding my wife and I wish for isn't anywhere in sight even after 2 years of marriage.
Every month I have to pay for the house bills, parents and my degree debt. There is only resentment I feel and the constant worry about money whenever I am in Singapore.
I go out n the streets and I see so many poor people, but I cannnot help them. I see elderly cleaners slogging for a living working from morning to midnight, but I cannot help them. I have friends my age who are unemployed but I cannot help them. I know of families in need and people who reallly need help, but I cannot help them. It is so frustratingly helpless knowing I cannot do anything for them.
Yet when I read the national news, the government is still in denial and boasts about how well our economy is doing. I go to work at Asiasquare and all I see is ang mohs and foreigners drinking and chatting happily on a Friday afternoon.