A new Facebook page has emerged with the objective of rallying Singaporeans to say 'No' to the tray return policy in food centers around Singapore.
The page, started on Monday (May 20), has gathered almost 200 likes.
The 'About' section of the facebook page says that the Tray Return Policy is "Another stupid campaign that robs patrons of service and only benefits for operators."
A number of posts have been made by the page detailing why people should object to the new initiative.
"For generations in Singapore it is always a service for patrons to food courts and hawkers that their trays were returned by the operator cleaners and our tables cleaned for us. It is a culture and service provided to us when we're dining out all along when we first started. But now GOV NEA kick in tray return initiatives to public and eventually to become a practice for patrons to return their own trays. It is definitely cost effective for operators but not service prone for patrons And the question also... Are we getting cheaper foods in the event of cutting cost and manpower for operators and vendors. Sadly is NO!"
The page also insists that the large metal racks for try return are ugly and unhygienic .
The Facebook page is located at: https://www.facebook.com/SayNoToTrayReturnSingapore
What do you think?