If the state of our CPF retirement scheme is a guide, I don’t think the country can continue to indulge in wasteful spending. It is time to cut down on vanity projects, projects of grandeur and fancy, spending on things that we don’t need, wasteful and extravagant parties, throwing money at all the foreign talents that we don’t need but good to have, etc etc.
Think how much we are wasting on all these unnecessary stuff and how the money can be put to good use, to better the life of the people, reduce medical cost, housing prices, lower taxes, and returning the CPF money to the people?
The number of foreign professors in the universities, the number of academics in the so called think tank schools of international relations, the avatar garden, the F1 and the likes, the projects and institutions that we don’t need to have, the parties and parties here and overseas, the celebrations and celebrations…. These are things that we can do without or at very much smaller scales and less frequency. And I am not talking about the extremely high salaries that are looking not only funny but ridiculous. The myth that we are getting value for money has been exposed. How many people believe that the money paid is worth it, that the receivers are really worthy of the millions being paid? It is plain excessive and unnecessary.
It is time to trim the sail and check the compass, where are we heading? The speed and direction are going nowhere but towards the cliff. Unsustainable! Use our reserves and spare cash wisely for the good of the people. Be prudent with public money and don’t think it is an unlimited source of fund, an unlimited supply of OPM.
Remember, there is no free lunch and the party must come to an end when the fun or fund runs out. Settle the CPF money with their rightful owners first and until this is done, the splurging like there is no tomorrow must stop.
Chua Chin Leng aka RedBean
*The writer blogs at http://mysingaporenews.blogspot.com