Let us look at the meaning of “Mercenary”:
“A mercenary[1] is a person who takes part in an armed conflict, who is not a national or a party to the conflict and is "motivated to take part in the hostilities by the desire for private gain." or to be precised “Soldier of Fortune”.
Nations employed mercenaries as the government loosing support from their people .
During the the Gadhafi's last day, he was using former Yugoslav soldiers, Mali and other african nations to shore up his support to fight against his own citizens but at the end of the day he lost the battle; Every good things must one day come to an end. On the other side of the coin, the PAPs knew they are facing a loosing battles , peoples had lost faith in them peoples are just fed up with ever high cost of livings and the government just could not careless, matching with their highest salary.
Our cpf cannot be withdraw, high transport cost, property and low salaries because of high volumes of foreigners coming in. Every elections their support dwindles. The only recourse as just like any other tyrant nations they employed the “soldiers of fortune”.
Of course they do not use guns they used different tactics. Open the flood the gates to the impoverished nations. Easy access to our universities even though their schools questionable standards. Questionable and fake degrees given easy access to our jobs markets. They purposely reduced the enforcement actions against the individuals and companies, it was done on purposel . They speed up the citizenship of these new EP and SP in the hope they will vote for the PAP. Community centers having the black budgets encouraging the new citizens to join the RC; WAH LAH!!! , they have their mercenaries. Readers , these was done on purpose , nothing but to shore up the support for the ruling party.
My former Burmese tenant with questionable qualifications was allowed to have aneasy access to Singapore universities, after 5 years , now he is a Singapore citizen, he is also now a RC members.
The government to the extend sponsored foreign students with a half billions of our money, this one way of getting their support when the election is held.
In the last Ponggol's election , we saw many Philipines RC members in full force supporting the PAP but the end of the day, they lost it, not enough new citizens to shore up the winning numbers
This time around they are in battle ready, with half million new citizens, they are confident of winning this time around.
They are in government not to serve the people but to serve themselves and their cronies. Will it backfire one day?
Without our cpf's money , will Sintel be what it is now? Yet we pay the highest world cup fees, is this how they repay us? Not only sintel, our transport and housing using our cpf's money and yet we pay premium cost . It is our capital that funds all these corporations. We seen old folks cleaning tables and picking old cupboards and there are people who have no food on their table and yet our politicians being paid the highest .
Readers, they are not here to serve us, they are at war with us, they treat us as their enemies. There are already casualty of wars, practically every day we here our Singaporean being replaced by these mercenaries. We have seen civil war in Syria and how the government using these mercenaries for their war efforts, we does not need to go there, the war is here now, the government is battling against her own citizens, that is why there is practically near negligible social salvation by the government, they do not care as they treating us as their enemies.
We have the mercenaries in sports where they paid these mercenaries millions to win trophies in major competitions; They practically got no shames. This what our government, a laughing stocks.
Every seconds, every minutes, every hour, they are having war against us. Their tools of wars; community centers, National Service-where one is being molded, learn to be subjugated like an obedience schools for dogs, Sole media, playing propaganda message and last not least; now the MERCENARIES. They are not interested in our benefits but more to their benefits, their families and their cronies. They do not know the meaning of government.
Aziz kassim
TRS Contributor