I am distressed to know that foreign faculty has become a significant majority at some social science departments in local universities (“Wanted: Local talent in varsities”; last Saturday).
Talent comes with many different passports. Our universities should rightly attract brilliant minds from all over the world, and must continue to do so.
Every university worth its salt would constantly ask itself where it is in the world rankings.
As an institution becomes more competitive and commercialised, changes come ever faster.
But there must be a set of core values that anchors everything. For public-funded universities, the Singaporean soul must be part of these core values.
I suggest we impose a quota to stem the tide of foreign faculty – not some ominous percentage but enough to retain the crucial local context.
This quota can be relaxed where there is a dearth of local talent, especially in the frontiers of science and technology. Here, transfer of knowledge to local experts is crucial.
From the anecdotal evidence presented in the report, it seems the recruitment criteria have room for improvement.
In the example cited, the foreign lecturer could not even meet the most basic language requirement.
Also, social values are important. For example, professors supporting Taiwanese students in their illegal seizure and occupancy of the legislative chamber – whatever their grievances – are a taboo in our society.
The destiny of public learning institutions must be in the full control of Singaporeans and flourish with our unique identity and culture.
This is not about nationalism – this is what each country would naturally do.
Affected Singaporean academics may not want to raise the issue for fear of being stigmatised and consequently having their careers affected.
I therefore call for greater prudence on the part of our Government to resolve this matter in an open and transparent manner.
Edmund Lam (Dr)
* Letter first appeared in ST online forum (12 Apr).