The whole stretch of East Coast has been transformed into upmarket cafes and restaurants to cater for the rich and the ever increasing number of Europeans working here. Our local food's becoming more expensive and we have to travel great distance for a good budget foods.
What is going on?
My friend who work as a subcontractor with the European company, half of the staff being replaced by Europeans. The European enjoy the air-con jobs while the locals sweat out at the worshops..
What is going on?
We see the biggest riot and we see practically every week there were quarrels among the foreigners and the locals.
What is going on ?
Why the Government just shrugged it off? Are they waiting for the worse? Singapore had transformed greatly, we are being alienated by days in our own land, we are behaving as if we are foreigners in our own land with low esteem and low income, we are the new foreign poor in our own country. The whole retail industries now geared up for the rich and the lifestyles for the Europeans. Are we slowly eroding our own cultures and the local lifestyles?
Where are we heading? Are we heading for the worse? How far more we are going to be marginilised in our own land? As rental goes up and our purchasing power began to shrink, business to cater for locals will be abandoned as business switch to more lucrative up-markets. We are just like animals in the wild while our habitats being snatched away.
Katong shopping centre used to be an ordinary shopping centre, with variety of shops but now 80% of the space being occupied by maid agencies to cater for the rich and the new foreign who hold top jobs that displaced the Singaporean. Same like the upmarket cafes and restaurants, owners found more lucrative to rent out to maid agencies. So our baboon sinkies , their local needs being robbed. We have to travel great a distance to purchase our daily needs.
We humans are like animals and like animals, we behaved comfortably with our own tribes. Thus we have companies using the EP pass to bring their northern Brahman baboons, we have the Tamil baboons, we have Gujarati baboons, Burmese baboons, PRC baboons , last and not least the White baboons; Soon we are going to have an apartheid like those in South Africa and sinkies baboons will be reduced to pariah; the colored and blacks. Our Government introduced the racial Quota in HDB to prevent the racial enclaves, why do not they do the same in companies? People condemn Russia, but at least they are better than the PAPS, they rescued their own people but here we were being left to be marginilised and being slaughtered , being hammered and swallowed up by the foreign baboons in our own land. Some of the seniors and those in poverty take the shortest route: sky jumping. Are the Government so heartless? While billions being lost in foreign investment and billions on defense that we does not need
There are mass employment in Europe where some degree holders have no choice but have to work as a rubbish collector. Will Sinkie baboons soon will be in the same situation?
HAHA!!!! the locals hold the pariah jobs while the foreign in top jobs.
“Employment crisis: 1,500 queue for just 40 supermarket jobs'
Is Singapore the dumping ground for all these unemployed European? What is the point of having high educations, where Jobs going to the foreigners?
It is high time for the Government to study carefully for the sakes of Singaporean. Imagine after 50 years we are still shortage of “talents.” Are our educations not adequate enough that we have to seek the foreigners or it is just another Ponzi scheme ? Are we going backward and going towards the third world?
Are the Government Policies creating divisions?.
Aziz kassim
TRS Contributor