It has been said that all PAP Ministers, MPs and their grassroots leaders and pro-PAP supporters always read TRS more frequently than they do with SPH News.
For PAP, they can know that SPH will not uncover anything that is anti-PAP so they can usually close one eye.
But PAP does pay close attention to any anti-PAP news that threaten to disclose their private business. That's why now has a Factually section dedicated to dispel all the online myths about PAP.
My TRS article "Irene Ng, Mah Bow Tan and Masagos are the AWOL Champions in Parliament" received more than 2000 likes and was read by more than 100,000 readers. Click on
It was uploaded on Feb 9 2014.
Usually, PAP's media monitoring unit takes about 2 weeks to report back to their higher authorities and for PAP leaders to decide if they should respond or censor or correct.
Recently, Budget Debate in March is the closely watched Parliament as many opposition MPs are invited to be part of Committee of Supply (COS) to raise issues in healthcare, education, housing and CPF. It lasted about a week.
As I would predict that Mah Bow Tan may choose to AWOL himself again, I had a pleasant surprise that the 20th Feb Votes and Proceedings Attendance List was deleted.
I went back and thought for a second that it might be a broken link and clicked on it again. Again it showed a blank link. Click on
While I might be speculating, could it be that PAP has censored this Attendance List for fear of embarrassment? If that is true, it will make a mockery of our democracy. Why can't Singapore citizens view these reports and their attendance list? We have every right to know.
TRS Contributor
TRS Contributor