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Dear TRS, I want to dispel misconceptions people have about my religion Islam


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Dear The Real Singapore,

Pardon my english as I am not very well-taught in writing english.

I am here to discuss about why there's so much hatred in this world. People hating each other be it racism based on Race or Religion. There's always reasons to provoke others or well at least some of the powerful people made up reasons to let others see that there is a reason to it at least which is to me...immaturely ridiculous. And so the current mainstreamed..number 1 hatred community to the world is...my very own religion, ISLAM and its people known as Muslim.

We have seen and read articles on how people disagreeing to Islam Shariah Law and way moslems dressed up especially for the women, the system that segregate Men and Women apart. Women felt that they have to do justice to save those moslem women trapped under these 'laws'.

Let me get this straight people...a little highlights on some of the myths that non-moslems spread it like wildfire and so forth which was totally ripped off either from a phrase mentioned in the Holy Quran which was wrongly translated or abused by those who have the intelligence and hatred in one brain and misguided others with stories and made-up translations, aiming at those poorly educated ones.


Myth by haters in their own words.

Prophet Muhammad married a child and is a pedophile. Fancy a very young virgin child.


My Prophet Muhammad ( Peace Be Upon Him ) did married his last wife at a young age. The definition given was 'older than 9 years old'

We find evidence in both Hadith books and history books that indicates Aisha must have been older than nine when she got married. It's the calculation of during those times of the century that is complicated that people not bothered to go the long way but interested by the numbers which is in this case...'9' and just like any other corrupted media...took that point and ran off with it without actually reading it and understanding it fully.


Myth by Hater in their own words...

Islam is a violent religion and Moslems are dangerous suicidal people. Shariah Law are evil.


Islam means 'PEACE' and Moslems are as peaceful and as calm as you. Shariah Law are just as lawful as a Law and Order of a State or a country but there are still those who broke it right? Show us the Shariah Law Book. Does it Officially EXIST at the first place? If it doesn't and you as a non-moslem with no Islamic Study background dare to talk and discuss about it just based on a few videos on Youtube about those women who hated to be trapped in that 'religion'. That was mostly a custom...a tradition practice in which they will be told if they disobey, they are going against the word of God. Not true! 

Let's put it this way... Your Father was so angry for your unacceptable behaviour and ask you to eat 'shit'...( in which I doubted any father would do that but you'll never know ) and if you did not, which means you go against your father's instructions..is sinful and will lead you to Hell? Doesn't make sense at all. It's just that its ISLAM and there are HATERS who totally don't like ISLAM and would do whatever it takes to see it fall.


Myth by their own words...

It was mentioned in the Quran that moslems will kill any non-believers etc..etc... quoting Surah Al-Baqarah which said,..

" Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does not like transgressors...."

"And kill them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah is worse than killing. And do not fight them at al-Masjid al- Haram until they fight you there. But if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers..."

"And if they cease, then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful..."

" Fight them until there is no [more] fitnah (telling lies) and [until] worship is [acknowledged to be] for Allah . But if they cease, then there is to be no aggression except against the oppressors..."


Haters actually quoted the KILL parts ONLY....without telling or sharing the part in which IF THEY STOP..WE SHOULD STOP TOO. And they will continued with 'Look at all the suicide bombers...the quran said must kill those non-believers"

Are you kidding me? Those are extremists whom quoted some religious phrases to get more manpowers and supporters.

In ISLAM...murder / killing innocent lives is PROHIBITED. Commiting Suicide is a big Sin. There's no such thing as " Dear Allah, I hereby committing suicide in the name of you"... I tell you people...My allah will be all damned pissed that that dude won't even got his chance blowing himself up but die mysterious diseases instead...unknown conditions.

In every religions, there will always be an icon representing it. An honorable man / woman and it's always be a human specially selected / chosen or sainted, to lead and guide the rest to be the leader...

Buddha practices peace and calm. Humble and gentleness and soft approaches.. Did Buddha taught the Buddhist Monks to burn themselves up in the name of Justice and to fight for the rights? Seriously? That's suicide!

Jesus, Son of God was crucified on the cross by them non-believers at that moment of time. Are the non-believers all moslems at that time that you Christians and Catholics must hate Moslems so badly? As a moslem, We were taught to love Jesus ( Prophet Isa ), Moses ( Prophet Musa ), Adam ( Prophet Adam ), Abraham ( Prophet Ibrahim ) and so on. If Christians and Catholics believes in Jesus as Son of God, a peaceful being, non-violent, did Jesus mentioned that you have to go through what he have to go through like nailed by the palm to a Cross? I believed he had to gone through that as he sacrifices himself to save his people...his future followers. Just like us...we learnt from mistakes and got hurt in the process, will you let your children go thru it eventhough you knew what is the right steps already?

A priest wants to organize a 'Burn the Quran Day' and KKK and The Crusaders back then in history. Ask yourself...are you making Jesus proud by wearing white-coned cloaks and practicing Christianity but being 100% racist against another Christian person just because he/she is black?

Who are the Crusaders and what is their religion back then? The same Crusaders that chased away Moslems and Jews out from their homes just because they felt they (Moslems & Jews) doesn't belongs in that land.

Mahatma Gandhi...a well-respected man, a Saint to some for his fight for peace and righteous. Did he ever said if you angry you should caused riots as a Mob. You should raped your own country women if they alone? You should rape female children whenever there's chances. Raped tourist is like a golden chance...seize it. Did Ghandhi taught you that?

As for the chinese...in China especially...You got so many Gods but I'm pretty sure none of them actually said you can eat Dogs or Cats or Rats and what's worst DEAD INFANTS to get longevity? To reach Nirvana? I don't think so. 

And comes The Atheist...the non believers of all Religions. Who thinks Religions are just a restrictions and God doesn't exist. Yes that's your rights to believe but why bother so much to highlight on the negativity of those religions coz You don't believe on ONE at first so it's non of your business!

Look here Good people around the world, my religion ISLAM doesn't forced it's way into you...forcing you to convert, forcing you to adapt us. NO! Did you hear of any issues Europeans have to wear headress like a moslem male / female, if they were to visit Moslem-based countries? Unless you are entering a Holy Place then it's understandable but on the street of Saudi, Dubai? Pakistan? Oman? Iraq? Even the President of Iran doesn't wear a Turban or a Shemagh! But why must Moslems in certain parts of the world especially in European Countries, have to removed their headdress to just attend Schools, Colleges, Work. Now you see who is forcing who to adapt?

Every time a rocket or a bomb exploded in a public place...Moslem will be held responsible...Islam will be mentioned as the caused of it. Read back your history about Israel - Palestine issues. Take 20years back and look at the size of those countries back then and now. Israel got bigger while Palestine was cut to strips...bordered and barred and when no one could help or wanted to help them out of the misery of being bullied, they took it into their own hands...armed with classic AK-47 and Vintage Rocket Launchers and THE WHOLE WORLD UNITES AS ONE TO CALL THEM TERRORIST!...They are militants...a group of people who had enough of it and wanna win back their rights!

Whenever a Muslim enters a country...he/she will be told off you cant wear this and that..cant do this and that coz we are not comfortable...your anchestors and bloodlines are Terrorist etc..etc...but any americans and europeans can just enter any country with any beliefs and nothing to be afraid of and even protected by the Government and Embassy. Wow!


And a talk-show in Austrailia had one Speaker / Debater that mentioned...

"Majority of Muslims don't like mixing with other believers and muslim women whining about unjust treatments in Islam"

Is that majority was a practice all over the world? Coz from where I came from...Moslem Men and Women, from really 100% religious to some average joe religious level, working, have jobs, drive cars... do business and interacts with any other races. If you claimed moslems don't like to interact with non-moslems...then why there's a lot of tourist in Dubai for example?


To sum it up....there will always be a black sheep in every religion, every race, every family. Must we label them all as bad just because of a small percentage of them?

Don't come and mentioned about 9/11 and Boston Bombings in which those unfortunate incident can be done with such realistic outcomes just to blame ISLAM and to give reason to intervene the Moslem Lands.

One Rocket from Hamas hit Tel Aviv and injuring 30+ people and killing 2-3 people and it was televised the whole world to see but when America supplied drones to intercept most classic rockets from Hamas...no one wanna make an issue about it and just because ONE BLOODY DRONE FAILED TO INTERCEPT...that already give Israel the RIGHTS TO FLY ON THEIR F-15s or F-6s and bombarded cities after cities in Palestines, dropping barrels of explosives killing more than '30'...and nothing was mentioned except for videos from Youtube. No full LIVE Coverage worldwide.

And now we are facing a ' MIDDLE-EAST HITLER' Mr Assad, who is killing his own citizens as what the news claimed, nothing was done, no actions was taken and guess what's the best solution THE WORLD POLICEMAN leader could think of?

Bomb them back. Is that all? And when question about the safety of its citizens then...no answer yet to be too convincing and changed the topic to how to check on IRAN for it's Nuclear Weapons in which up to now, nothing can be proven but they continues to sanction IRAN, cutting it's resources and sources.

The hatred is on and the only so called peace can be achieved is to those Haters are...to wipe out Islam totally and if you go into details...it's not the Christians or Catholics that really wants it badly. Even your Troops and Marines wants to come home.

I just don't get the point when people mentioned "Salutes to our troops for protecting us and defending our country out there..."

Your troops and Soldiers are in someone else's countries...all by themselves. That's not protecting. That's sending them on a suicidal mission all by themselves. That is stupid and if I were a 'modern Hitler' of a small country, I can take down your big country anytime knowing most of your strength are on outbound duty. Yes you got your door and gates locked as you claimed to be of the safest but you forgot your backdoor. You are merely a puppet run by a small group of other etnic to help defend their origin country which is vulnerable dats why!

Love one another...respect one another of its beliefs, traditions and cultures if you willing to welcome them. If not, don't ever let them at the first place so as not to caused hatred. That where hatred came from...you allowed...you let them but later you mocked and wanna controlled them and when they can't take it anymore and reacted...you telling the whole world the shit they done but not the cause of the shit.

A short note..." I'm here not to create frictions but to lay down the facts for you to analyse it and how to make it better...or choose not to"

#One Love All over the world!


Old Singaporean Malay Uncle

TRS Contributor


Editor's Note: Please do not critcise the author's use of language as not everyone have the previlege of recieving a good education in Singapore and every voice to us is important and we would like to keep it that way.



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