Never mind that the Govt once admonished - "You don't like it here, leave!" (It doesn't dare say it now; but their lap-dog supporters are still chiming the same expired tune: "X' Ho, you don't like the system here, LEAVE"!.) In REAL democratic countries, such an utterance from the govt wuda caused a riot!
And that's how the SG Govt works. Once, not long ago, "naysayers, leave"! Now, it even engages international headhunters to woo the naysaying professional-citizens back. It's as if there's no such thing as cause-&-effect in our Govt's world. Everything can be fixed with money, a topical campaign and ST !
Singaporeans should just be grateful that the Govt doesn't turn instead and say that it is our fault that those overseas-citizens stayed away! Remember how suddenly wanting to build casinos became OUR fault for an apparent resisting of it?!!!!
How ironic that the ad for medical-aethetics treatment below the news says it all for Singapore in the matter!
Chris Ho
*Comment first appeared on