Issues like HPB's homosexuality FAQ is usually one that I have no strong opinion about. Indeed, I have no strong opinion about homosexuality as a topic in itself. While personally, I support the status quo, i.e. Maintaining 377A but not enforcing it, I admit that I have very limited views about this topic and my position will probably fall apart under scrutiny, but that's not the point why I am writing this article.
I am writing this because I saw the recent post by Pastor Lawrence Khong on Facebook. I view that post with great concern, and I quote,
"FCBC, we are called to be the SALT and LIGHT to bring Kingdom transformation to our beloved nation of Singapore. The LGBT agenda and the FAQs released by the Health Promotion Board amplifies the need for us to stay vigilant and proactive on the issue. We must move AS ONE to constructively influence and shape public policy by engaging our Government.
Let your voice be heard by clicking the link below to support the online petition:
Singapore is a secular country. We do acknowledge that multiple religions exist, but the guiding principle of policy-making is to be free from religious influence. One can clearly see why our founding fathers adopted such a position: we do not want to be in any situation where the agenda of a particular religion overshadows everyone's rights and freedoms. We may want to give religious institutions space to preach and to guide followers towards a path of peace, but a clear line is drawn when it starts to impose its beliefs on other members of society.
The Bible also says paganism is bad. The Bible also says idolatry is bad. Should we therefore close down all Hindu and Taoist temples? These pagans (abomination!) and their undue influence will cause people to be driven away from God. Of course almost all Christians would disagree with such a position, but such a position has already been taken within the confines of the church walls by pastors such as Rony Tan (
It is not my intention to stir up feelings among religions in Singapore with my article. I just want to remind everyone of the absurdity of any religion trying to impose its beliefs unto others. "We must move AS ONE to constructively influence and shape public policy", seriously Pastor Khong?
King Henry VIII realised how religion creates a secondary source of political power and thus established his own Church of England, with himself as its head. It is trouble for religious leaders to try and force their agenda through, especially in a multi-religious society like Singapore. LKY himself thought of Christianity as 'meek' in general, not causing trouble -- but we see Pastors like Lawrence Khong acting in a militant manner on all sorts of issues (including employment disputes with MOM).
Though I am not a member of his church, it is my sincere wish that the pastor would keep to the core principles of Christianity a la Pope Francis, bringing comfort to the needy instead of being obsessed with homosexuality, sex and the likes.
TRS Contributor