I refer to "Ong Teng Cheong Who Dared to Challenge PAP Nonsense"
Previously, I have blogged about "Elections Fraud: Can It Happen in GE2016?"
I have voiced out several possibilities such as empty election boxes, voting slips and gerrymandering etc.
Incidentally, I happened to chance upon a book titled "Judicial Misconduct" in the library.
This book was written by Anthony Lester, a Queen's Counsel for Salleh Abas.
Apparently, during that time, many Malaysians wanted to take out Prime Minister Mahathir and voted against him during the UMNO elections.
Tengku Razaleigh was widely touted to replace Prime Minister Mahathir as many Malaysians were fed up with Mahathir's alleged corruption etc.
It was a close fight and Mahathir resorted to cheating and fraud.
Some members of Malaysia's UMNO had witnessed that many ballot papers were tempered with.
They filed a lawsuit against Mahathir.
At this point, Salleh Abas, who was then Lord President of the Supreme Court, began making strong statements about defending the autonomy of the judiciary and sided with Tengku Razaleigh.
Salleh, was summoned by Mahathir upon his return. Salleh later claimed that at the meeting, Mahathir accused him of bias in the UMNO case, and demanded his resignation. Salleh was also immediately suspended from his post as Lord President. Salleh was later informed that his suspension would be backdated so as to nullify some of his earlier actions in then pending cases such as the UMNO case, he withdrew his resignation.
Salleh was represented by Anthony Lester, QC, who objected to the tribunal's composition.
All of these claims were rejected by the tribunal, and Salleh withdrew from the proceedings.
This episode illustrates why in any country, many dominant political parties simply do not care about committing fraud.
Global superpowers such as United States will at most, admonish election fraud but will not carry out embargo or invade that country.
And with no consequences, dominant political parties may get away with fraud and their citizens will be crying foul but they cannot change things.
This question has boggled me for some time and there are no answers.Let me throw this question to all TRS readers.
What can we do if there is an election fraud?
TRS Contributor