I refer to MND Giving Workers Party Red Report Card: "http://www.therealsingapore.com/content/media-release-workers-party-responds-mnd-giving-them-red-report-card"
It says that arrears management and corporate governance were flagged out as 'red'.
Most Singaporeans can see the truth from the smoke generated by the grenades thrown by MND.
First, How can MND demand for corporate governance with a straight face when they did not even admonish or factor in the 2008 Minibonds Town Council.
If Chiam See Tong had invested a single cent of the Potong Pasir sinking fund in minibonds, he would have been called irresponsible and careless The Straits Times would be dispensing lessons on why voting for the opposition is unwise. Luckily, the town councils that lost money in minibonds were all from PAP GRCs so we are spared these lessons and we should be able move on because it is only a small matter to MND.
Second, Arrears Management.
Why is MND so concerned about hitting the KPI in arrears management?
A good town council manager should understand that not all residents can afford to pay their fees on time and depending on their hardships, more flexibility should be given rather than hound them like a pack of dogs over their overdue late fees.
From a commercial accounting viewpoint, arrears is important as it can mean dollars and sense for a bank. Bbut for MND to be chasing arrears and keeping their figures low is not an image a public organisation should project to their taxpayers.
Last but not least, most Singaporeans are only concerned that their estate can be maintained clean with daily disposal of rubbish and basic hygiene standards.
What is more at stake is for WP to speak up for us on issues that matter most to Singaporeans, propose better solutions and uncover more dubious AIM transactions that only waste our money.
TRS contributor