Why doesn’t AMP just admit it? It is a known fact, an accepted fact, that PAP pulls the strings and uses AMP, as well as other organisations funded by the PAP govt. That’s nothing to be ashamed of because that happens everywhere. In Malaysia, in other countries, and of course, in America too - Does the federal government fund any NGOs? Which ones?
(US) Government funding of NGOs is sometimes viewed as controversial, because the funding may support certain political goals rather than a nation’s development goals.
What irks me is that AMP and the PAPpies pretend that is not so and keeps yakking to tell the world it is not so. Here is that latest hogwash as reported from the Straits Times.
Azmoon Ahmad, Chairman of Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP). The “Hogwash Dispenser of the Week” award has to go to this guy.
AMP ‘committed to serving Malay-Muslims’
THE Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP) yesterday issued a statement that it hopes will bring closure to a controversy sparked by the resignation of former board director Nizam Ismail last week.
What controversy? As mentioned, it is an accepted fact that when an NGO is funded by the govt, the govt pulls the strings. Who is challenging that? Didn’t Dr Yaacob himself imply the govt pulls the strings when he said Nizam should not do this or that?
Btw, isn’t that statement from Yaacob itself partisan, since he is a PAP minister and is now getting involved in AMP’s internal matters?
In the statement, AMP said it remains committed to its aim of serving the Malay-Muslim community. It intends to continue reaching out to the community and working with all parties which support its aspiration to build a “dynamic Muslim community”.
More hogwash. Is that the issue? Who contested the fact that AMP should serve the Muslim community? Nizam? If that is AMP’s allegation, please bring forth evidence to support that hogwash claim.
AMP chairman Azmoon Ahmad said he called a board meeting last Friday where the nine directors present agreed unanimously on AMP’s next course of action. “We must have closure and we want to move on and… stay focused on what we want to do.”
Ha ha. So they called a meeting to agree that they must have closure on a issue that does not exist and to stay focused. An issue that they created out of thin air that AMP was about to lose its focus and hence, they need to refocus? Is that what they are saying?
In its 21 years, the self-help group has benefited more than 275,000 people from all walks of life, it said in its statement.
So? How does that statement link to the fact that Nizam claimed he was pressurized by two ministers? Where’s the link?
AMP also said in its statement that it “continues to be guided by its core principles of being independent, non-partisan and working in collaboration with all parties that identify with and support its aspiration to build a dynamic Muslim community”.
That is a misnomer. As long as the govt funds you, you will never be independent. Or for that matter, non-partisan. No govt will fund an organisation if that organisation does what the govt dislikes.
Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC MP Zainal Sapari yesterday welcomed the statement from AMP. He said: “I do not doubt that they have and always will be committed in looking for ways to help the Malay community move forward.”
Schoolgirl type cheerleader shouting “jiayou” to encourage the boss. What do you expect from a PAPpy?
The full reproduced article can be read in the hyperlink above.
So why did Azmoon call for a meeting in the first place? Nizam has resigned and acceded to the AMP and the govt’s terms. Isn’t the meeting just to tell everyone that AMP is “independent and non-partisan” when everyone knows and accepts it is not?
Isn’t that hogwash? Like I said, Azmoon has to be awarded the Hogwash Dispenser of the Week for making such a blatant statement when everyone knows it is just what it is – hogwash.
* The writer blogs at http://wherebearsroamfree.blogspot.com/