PASTOR Lawrence Khong says "there are no ex-blacks, no ex-Chinese, but there are ex-homosexuals" ("'I told the minister to send me to jail'"; last Saturday).
It is a moot point.
In 1973, homosexuality was removed from the American psychiatric profession's diagnostic manual of mental disorders. Conversion reparative counselling to convert homosexual leanings to become heterosexual was no longer considered mainstream medicine.
This discredited therapy was again repudiated in a United States court last month.
While Mr Khong is willing to have some of his church members share their stories of being successfully "converted", the US court ruled that such therapy has not been clearly demonstrated to be efficacious or even desirable. It cited anecdotal reports of its harm, including depression, suicidal thoughts or actions, and substance abuse.
Clearly, any form of discrimination is iniquitous and a holdover of our unenlightened past. Neither heterophobia nor homophobia should be tolerated if both are viewed clinically as neither perversive nor pathological.
An open discursive discourse without prejudice, as endorsed by Mr Khong, is needed so that everyone with interests can weigh in.
Sweeping the issue under the carpet will only allow uninformed opinions, the trading of hateful personal barbs, name-calling and other forms of uncivilised behaviour to persist.
Yik Keng Yeong (Dr)
*Article first appeared on ST Forums (13 sep)